How to use Answer The Public to Boost Your SEO Mastery

How To Use Answer The Public

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In recent years, AnswerThePublic has become widely recognized as an AI SEO tool to refine keyword research and create content that effectively targets the audience. 

But did you know that Answer The Public can be used to help get your website listed on Google as a digital marketing tool?

That's right! By using its results to inform your content creation process, you can quickly generate content that matches what consumers are looking for – thus increasing your chances of getting listed on Google.

Before we move on to how to use the Answer The Public keyword tool in SEO, let's first look at what it is.

What is Answer the Public?

What is Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a tool that searches for the most asked questions about any topic. In short, it's an easy way to find out what people are asking about the thing you want to write about next.

Answer the Public has been featured in Neil Patel's digital marketing blog, and he has also mentioned the tool in his educational content and online courses.

Neil Patel has recognized Answer the Public as a valuable keyword research tool and content ideation, praising its unique visualizations and comprehensive data.

To use Answer The Public, enter a keyword or phrase. Answer The Public will then produce a list of questions based on that keyword in two formats: a list of questions and a visual map of questions (called a “visualization.”)

This list is beneficial because it points you to the most common queries people have on Google and similar search engines.

Answer the Public works by visualizing Keywords search volume and SEO difficulty tool wrapped up in one.

The tool lets you compare the volume of searches for any keyword with a vast range of related terms, telling you which keywords are popular, which are easy to rank for, and which have the highest commercial intent.

How does AnswerThePublic work?

Simple: when you enter a keyword or phrase into AnswerThePublic, it generates a list of questions and prepositions related to that term.

How does AnswerThePublic work

These questions and phrases are carefully derived from searches that real people have already performed based on what consumers ask on the Internet.

By incorporating these questions and prepositions into your content's titles, headers, and subheadings, you're ensuring that your content speaks directly to the audience that's searching for it, which means they'll find it faster, stay engaged longer (because they're interested), and be more likely to share it with their friends (because it hit home).

It's easy to get on Google with Answer The Public, so let's look at the best way to use it. Your keyword research tool is open and ready to search for your latest keywords.

Answer The Public is great for discovering all sorts of questions for a topic you can use to inform your keyword research.

It works like this:

  1. Type your first keyword idea into the search field and click “Get Questions.”
  2. Once you click that button, we'll start digging through all the Google auto-completes and Bing autosuggestions to build our great question data visualization.

With the most effective SEO strategies in mind, you'll easily spot individuals' primary inquiries regarding that keyword. But rest assured, the benefits extend far beyond this initial insight!

You can swiftly navigate through various tabs to explore data structured by prepositions (such as “near me” or “for me”), in alphabetical order, or based on related search queries.

How To Find What People Are Saying About Your Topic?

I've been in the content marketing game for a long time and have tried every tool, from Google Analytics to Moz. And while they all have their uses, if you're looking for a simple way to find out what people say about your topic, look no further than Answer The Public.

Answer The Public is an incredibly intuitive service that generates questions and topics based on any keyword you input in their search bar.

It's entirely free for your content strategy, and the results are incredibly comprehensive.

When I started using Answer The Public, I thought the results would be keywords, but I needed to be corrected! They give you a list of keywords (which can be significant) and create a mind map of related topics and questions.

They even let you view the data in different formats: alphabetically or by question type. You can also use it to get insights into how people search for your topic and see trends in the data over time.

But one of my favorite Answer the Public features is that it lets you see what people are asking about your topic right now! That means you can write more targeted content that addresses everything your customers want to know.

How To Get Featured In Google's Quick Answers Box?

How To Get Featured In Google's Quick Answers Box?

Optimizing your content strategy for rank on search engines can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be! Follow these tips:

Make Sure You Are Answering The Public Question

If you want to be featured in Google's Quick Answers box, you must first ensure you answer the Public question.

There are many questions out there. Answering the public one of them is a great way to get started. To do this easily, use Answer the Public to find questions that people are asking about your topic and build pages around those questions.

Quick Answers are those little featured snippets at the top of the search results page when you ask a question. They are designed to quickly answer your query without you having to click on any of the pages returned by Google.

Optimize Your Content

Next, make sure you have optimized your content strategy. You should add some keywords to the page that answer the question you wrote about. 

Once you've decided on the questions you want to answer and create pages around them, ensure each page is optimize content to stand out in search engine results.

For your website to appear in the quick response box, you must optimize your content. Here's how to do it:

  • Make sure your page has at least 800 words of text. Most websites that rank in the quick response box are over 1,000 words. The more you write, the more likely you will type in the immediate response box!
  • Make sure your page has an H1 header. The header should match the query you're trying to rank for (for example, “How to get in the Google Quick Answers box”).
  • Ensure your page has a question or statement (e.g., “How to get into the Google Quick Answers box”). It helps Google understand your page and can help it appear as a featured snippet on your website!

The feeling of finally seeing your website appear at the top of search engine results is unbeatable. This feeling is great and can help your business or brand grow.

Add Videos To Your Page

You should also add videos to your page; they are engaging content, and people will probably click on them. Try embedding some video from YouTube that's related to the question you've answered.

If you want to be in Google's Quick Answers box, add videos to your content whenever you can. Google favors content with videos because they help people find information quickly.

You can make videos using any software you want. Keep it simple and include high-quality information that still fits within the scope of the video's length.

Use Headings And Lists Where Appropriate

Headings and lists are also engaging content and help readers skim your content. You can use them to break up the text on your page and make it more user-friendly.

Headings help separate content sections, making them easy to read and scan, giving your readers what they want. You can also use title tags, like H1 and H2, to help search engines find them more easily.

Lists can also be read easily by search engines. Ensure you use them when you have a list of items on your page or blog posts. It'll boost your rankings.

Create A FAQ Page

Use the FAQ structured data to tell Google the question and answer for each one of these questions.

Now you can get featured on Google with Answer The Public and start bringing in website traffic from the biggest search engine in the world. 

It's an amazing software that shows people what they're searching for and asks them questions. Check out those search results!

How Answer The Public Works With Long Tail Keywords?

If you want to understand your audience, leveraging long tail keywords can be a great way to do it. Answer The Public relies on keyword research to give marketers an idea of the questions people are asking about a topic, so we can produce content that answers those questions and helps them get found in searches.

How Answer The Public Works With Long Tail Keywords?

Answer The Public utilizes a combination of long-tail keywords and look a like data to ensure you're getting the most comprehensive list of questions, prepositions, comparisons, and alphabetic searches for your seed keyword.

The tool shows you a visual map of what people are searching for on Google so that you can answer their questions with your content.

It's great for writing blog posts that rank in search engines and get shared on social media.

It's also useful for finding new ideas for products and services that people want.

How We Completed Our Website SEO Audit Using Answer The Public?

Who said SEO is dead?

If you are an inbound marketing agency or have a website that relies on organic traffic to gain leads, you know how important it is to ensure your website ranks high on search engines. That's why we decided to look closely at our website and complete a thorough SEO audit.

We realized that even though we were keeping up with the latest trends in SEO, there was room for improvement. We started by identifying the top pain points of our website and created a list of ways to improve it.

From there, we used Answer The Public to help us find out what people were searching for related to our industry. We used that data to create content around those topics and optimize content for each blog posts and page on our website to rank higher in search results.

The result? Our blog went from being relatively inactive with no website traffic to ranking on the first page of Google for over 100 keywords and getting thousands of monthly visitors!

Website traffic Using Answer The Public

How To Use Answer The Public

You've got a killer piece of content on your hands. You've written it, edited it, ran it by a bunch of people, and now it's ready for the world to see. The only problem? It needs to be noticed.

What do you do?

Using Answer the Public is easy. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use this powerful keyword research tool:

  1. Enter Your Keyword: Enter your target keyword or phrase into the Answer the Public website search bar. You can select a specific location and language for more localized results.
  2. Explore the Visualizations: Answer the Public generates a visual representation of search queries related to your keyword in the form of a wheel. You can explore the different sections of the wheel, which are organized based on question words, prepositions, and other related keywords.
  3. Analyze the Results: Examine the keywords and phrases generated in each wheel section. Pay attention to search volume, trends, and related keywords to identify potential opportunities for optimizing your website or creating content.
  4. Download or Save Results: Answer the Public lets you download the visualizations and keyword data for further analysis. You can also save your results for future reference and comparison.

Google and other search engines are all about answering people's questions— that's what the Internet is for! So, if you can figure out what questions people are asking about the topic of your content and then answer those questions in your content, you'll have an easier time getting noticed.

The best way to do this is to use a tool called “Answer the Public.” Answer the Public is like Google… only instead of returning a list of websites related to your query, it returns a list of questions people ask about it.

All you have to do is type in a search term (for example, “cats”), and Answer the Public will automatically generate a whole bunch of questions related to cats, like “Are cats lactose intolerant?” and “What? cats can't eat.” You'll get lots of different kinds of questions—like “can,” “could,” “when,” etc.—and they'll be organized so you can easily pick out some of that.

Answer the Public for SEO

Answer the Public can be a powerful tool for SEO professionals. Here's how you can use it to improve your SEO strategy:

  1. Identify Long-Tail Keywords: Answer the Public helps uncover long-tail keywords with lower competition but higher intent. These keywords can be valuable content for targeting specific niches and capturing more targeted traffic to your website.
  2. Uncover Content Ideas: The visualizations generated by Answer the Public can inspire content ideas for your website or blog. By understanding the questions people are asking and the topics they're interested in, you can create content that addresses their needs and provides valuable content information.
  3. Optimize for Search Intent: Answer the Public can help you understand the search intent behind different keywords and phrases. By aligning your content with the intent behind the searches, you can create content that better meets the needs of your target audience, leading to higher engagement and better rankings in search results.
  4. Refine keyword research Strategy: Answer the Public provides data on search volume, search trends, and related keywords, allowing you to refine your keyword strategy. You can prioritize keywords with higher search volume and trends and identify related keywords that complement your main keyword. This can help you create a more comprehensive and strategic approach to optimizing your website for search engines.

Answer The Public – FAQs

how does answer the public work?

Answer The Public uses auto-completion data from search engines like Google and quickly extracts all the proper phrases and questions people ask around your keyword. You can use this goldmine of customer information to create new and beneficial content, products, and services.

is answer the public free?

Yes, Answer the Public is indeed a free tool. If you have any other questions, feel free to publish a comment at the bottom of the page or send an email, and they will answer you as soon as possible.

is answer the public worth it?

While Answer The Public is not the silver bullet for your keyword research strategy, this site is a good starting point for questions turned into paid ads and organic traffic.


Keyword research is a critical component of the SEO and content creation process, and Answer the Public can be a powerful tool in mastering this process.

By providing valuable insights into search queries and trends, uncovering long-tail keywords, generating content ideas, and optimizing search intent, Answer the Public can help you enhance your keyword research strategy and create content that resonates with your target audience.

In conclusion, Answer the Public is a valuable tool for SEO professionals, content creators, and website owners looking to improve their keyword research and optimize their websites for search engines.

By utilizing the visualizations, keyword data, and insights from Answer the Public, you can better understand what people are searching for and create content that meets their needs.

Incorporating Answer the Public into your keyword research process can lead to higher search rankings, with better engagement with your target audience and increased traffic to your website.

So, to master keyword research and enhance your SEO strategy, consider trying to Answer the Public. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive data, and unique visualizations can add valuable content to your SEO toolkit.

Start using Answer the Public today and unlock the full potential of keyword research for your website and content creation and SEO efforts. Happy researching!

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