Jasper Affiliate Program: Join Now to Earn $1000 monthly

Join Jasper Affiliate Program Now

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Want to make money online fast? Sign up for the Jasper Affiliate Program and promote Jasper to earn a 30% recurring commission for each new customer.

The biggest problem that freelancers, bloggers, marketers, and entrepreneurs face now: Is delivering content fast. And you can easily convince them to start using the AI writing tool Jasper, formerly known as Jarvis, to solve this problem.

And make money with Jasper's affiliate partner program!

You can earn anywhere from one to several thousand dollars a month by promoting Jasper through this program. This article will give you an overview of the program and how you can make money with the Jasper ai Affiliate Program.

If you didn't get here by searching for the affiliate program, maybe you ask what Jasper is. Let me introduce you to the leading cloud-based AI software that helps businesses create their content on the go.

What is Jasper AI?

Meet Jasper review The Future Of Writing

Jasper is powerful AI software that uses machine learning and natural language processing to help businesses create content. With Jasper, you can quickly create compelling content for your website, blog, or social media.

But don't think of it as an automatic text generator! Instead, think of Jasper as your writing assistant. That means it doesn't write for you but helps you to write the content yourself quickly and easily.

There are many benefits to using Jasper for your content. Here are some of the most significant benefits of using the AI writing software:

  • Easy-to-use interface: Jasper's intuitive user interface makes it quick and easy to create engaging content.
  • High-quality output: Using powerful machine learning algorithms, Jasper can produce unique, high-quality content that engages your audience.
  • No writing experience required: Designed for those with no writing experience.
  • Fast and convenient: This tool can create content in minutes, saving you time and increasing your productivity.

I would recommend you to read my detailed review on jasper in this article of blog.

Now that we know what Jasper is. Let's get into the Jasper ai Affiliate Program.

What is the jasper aI affiliate program?

The Jasper AI Affiliate Program is a partnership program that allows you to earn income by promoting Jasper and its products. Through this program, you can earn commissions on all sales generated by your affiliate link or code.

The advantage of this program is that you can earn a 30% recurring commission for life.

earn a 30% recurring commission for life with jasper affiliate programm

It means that you will continue to get paid for referring a customer to Jasper for as long as they remain a paying customer.

It's a great way to earn extra income without doing any extra work. And the best part is that you can promote Jasper products on your blog, website, or social media.

If you doubt that this is the right affiliate program for you, try to promote other software that matches your niche.

How does Jasper Affiliate Program work?

The Jasper.ai Affiliate Program is simple and easy to use. To start, you need to create an account and generate your affiliate link or code.

How does Jasper Affiliate Program work

Once you have your affiliate link or code, you can start promoting Jasper products on your blog, website, or social media. All you need to do is recommend Jasper to your audience, and receive 10,000 bonus word credits.

Every time a user clicks on your affiliate link or enters your affiliate code during a purchase, you'll earn a commission.

The good news is that you will earn an affiliate commission for life as long as the user you referred remains a paying customer.

So if you refer someone to Jasper today and become a paying customer in the years to come, you'll continue to earn an affiliate commission every month. Isn't that great?

I recommend you read my guide on how to create content for affiliate marketing.

If you're interested in joining the Jasper Affiliate Program, follow the steps in the next section.

How do I join Jasper.ai affiliate Program?

Joining this program is easy and free. First, you need to create a blog where you can promote Jasper. Start building your audience on your blog and social media to reach a large audience.

join Jasper Partnership Program

Next, you need to consider these elements that the Jasper team looks for when reviewing applications:

  • The Jasper team analyzes whether your audience can be a good customer for those who stay for a long time.
  • They also look for educational content to provide to their audience.
  • They are looking for new audiences who are not yet familiar with Jasper. It also means you are not allowed to do PCP on branded keywords.
  • And that's great if you have a large audience of people who focus on copywriting, content, or SEO.

Once you're ready with a plan, follow these steps to join the Jasper Affiliate Program:

  1. Go to the Jasper website and apply to be an affiliate partner there.
  2. Provide valid details like name, email address, and more.

After 48 to 72 hours, you will receive an email from Jasper informing you that your application is, approved. 

Once your application is approved, the Jasper team will give you a unique affiliate link and marketing material. The exchange file contains everything you need to promote Jasper to your audience

Start promoting Jasper on your blog, website, or social media using the swipe file and your content. And start earning commissions every time someone clicks on your affiliate link.

If you're ready to join the Jasper Affiliate Program, visit the website and sign up now. With this program, you can start earning extra income while promoting a great product to your audience.

Good luck!

How To Make Money With The Jasper Affiliate Program?

The Jasper ai Affiliate Program is a great way to make money online passively. That's because Jasper offers recurring commissions for life.

To make money with the Jasper Affiliate Program, promote Jasper products on your blog, website, or social media. Once you have an audience, start promoting Jasper and earn commissions on sales.

Earning $1000 /month and more with the Jasper ai affiliate program is possible if you have a large audience and good traffic. But it takes consistent effort and dedication to succeed.

Jasper Affiliate Marketing Case Study With Blog Posts And Articles

I write blog posts to earn money with Jasper's affiliate program. And to be honest with you, I also promote other software similar to Jasper.

To start making money with the Jasper Affiliate Partner Program. Then start building your audience today, and consider that blog posts are the best way to generate free traffic and grow your affiliate business.

Here are my earnings from Jasper:

my earnings from Jasper
  • I get 1401 clicks on Jasper affiliate links.
  • And 453 affiliates.
  • In the final 16 conversions (16 people signing up for Jasper).

Sounds fantastic, right?

Here are the previous payments:

previous payments of jasper affiliate program

Programs Similar To Jasper

If you want to make more money with this new AI software, sign up for other affiliate programs similar to Jasper. Here you will find a list of the programs I use with pictures of the earnings generated.

1. Rytr

Rytr is an AI writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content, in just seconds, at a fraction of the cost!

Here are my earnings from this program:

image 3

If you sign up for this program, here's what you need to know:

  • All direct conversions via your affiliate link get you payments.
  • You cannot refer yourself.
  • The payouts start at earning $100 or more.
  • Attribution is updated if a customer has applied another discount code while signing up.
  • Payments are due on T+30. And will be attempted on the first business day of the following month.
  • You may not run ads on Google or other platforms that violate our rules.

2. Writesonic

Discover Writesonic: The world's only AI writer that helps you write SEO-optimized articles and blog posts (up to 1500 words) in 15 seconds.

image 4

What you need to do, is to promote your content and blogs with Jasper branding elements. 

How much money can I make with the Jasper Affiliate Partner Program?

Several factors can be considered, such as the traffic you generate, your conversion rate, and the price of the Jasper plan. 

The key is getting traffic to your affiliate links to generate more clicks, leads, and sales.

For example, in my case, with 16 conversions, I get a 30% recurring commission for life. 

Here's what it might look like:

  • 1 affiliate = $24 per month
  • 5 affiliates = $120 per month
  • 10 affiliates = $240 per month
  • 25 affiliates = $576 per month
  • 100 affiliates = $2,400 per month
  • 250 affiliates = $6,000 per month
  • 1,000 affiliates = $24,000 per month

How to get traffic quickly to your blog?

We all know that traffic is money, so that's why we all want and need it. But it takes time for the search engine to rank your articles.

If you want to get traffic to your blogs quickly, use these the best methods:

  • Write articles on your blog, make a copy, and share it in other spaces like Quora, Medium, Blogger, and Reedit. With this tactic, not only do you get visitors, but you also get backlinks to your website.
  • Share your articles on your social media account to get more visitors.
  • Make videos and share themes on your youtube channel, TikTok and Instagram.

Jasper Affiliate Program – FAQs

This section will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the Jasper Affiliate Program.

How much does the Jasper Startup Plan cost?

The base price is $29 per month, including 20,000 words generated by the AI. Jasper's prices increase depending on several sentences you can generate with the software. With Boss mode, the base price is $59 per month, with up to 50,000 words and tons of additional features. And you can get a 5-day money-back guarantee!

How often do I get paid?

Payments are made monthly on the 1st month of the previous month's activity. For example, if you earn $100 in May, you will be paid on June 1st. And the minimum payment is $25 via PayPal.

How long do Jasper Affiliate Program cookies last?

Jasper's affiliate program cookies last for 30 days. So if a user clicks on your affiliate link and signs up within 30 days, you will be paid with that sale. Isn't that great?

Can I use Jasper Logos and Branding Elements?

You can use Jasper's slider files. But you can't get into branding content or PCP marketing (Paid Ads). 


Jasper's affiliate program is a great way to make money online while promoting a great writing assistant.

You can earn up to $1000 or more per month with the affiliate program if you follow the beginner's guide to affiliate marketing.

So what are you waiting for so? Start promoting Jasper today and start earning commissions.

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